How Rich is “Teen Mom” FARRAH ABRAHAM?


Saidia – Many Americans now know who Farrah Abraham is! She is famous and is battling to reach the level of non-other than Kim Kardashian and her controversial family.

She maybe on her way to some sort of Kardashian-like future, at least when it come to the wealth part. According to Farrah’s friends, the young mother is telling her friends that she has well over $2 Million in various bank accounts and is earning $60,000 a month from her porn movie ALONE.

Well, we can’t but to hope for the best for the latest person to join the circus of reality/porn circus.

Farrah Abraham “Begging” To be featured on PlayBoy


Teen Mom” star Farrah Abraham hope to be featured in the cover of Playboy was shattered by A BIG NO (twice)

Sources tell gossip website TMZ that the star of “Backdoor Teen Mom” reached out to the Playboy following her sex tape release about appearing fully nude in an upcoming issue … one of her lifelong dreams. However, she played the game the wrong way because her efforts should’ve been directed towards scoring a reality show with Ryan Seacrest –> Become a reality star (the right way) and then she will get a call from Playboy (Kim Kardashian style)

And if the first NO wasn’t enough, Farrah reached out a second time last month … but the magazine had the same fancy words to tell her: NO.. Poor Farah! Its either that she just want to fully explore the life of a porn star or she is just BROKE! Either ways, we would love for Farah to be on the cover of Playboy.